Ah, Thanksgiving. The traditional, “What are you thankful for this year?” circles around the table, followed by mashed potatoes and the gravy boat. We exchange a myriad of answers, including our good friends and family, and big life changes.
These are all expected, as it is with this time of year we really take a moment to value those around us. But this year, along with your traditional Thanksgiving thoughts, step back and consider how fortunate you are to have a roof over your head, good food to eat and access to pure, essential water.
According to the United Nations each person needs 20-50 litres of safe freshwater a day to ensure their basic needs for drinking, cooking and cleaning. Unfortunately more than one in six people worldwide – 894 million – don’t have access to this amount of safe freshwater. In Canada we’ve come to take fresh water for granted, but if we are aware of water problems around the world we can do our part to help.
So tomorrow when you wake up and shower, begin cooking your Thanksgiving meal and sit down with your family and friends take an extra minute to think about how lucky we are. Happy Thanksgiving from Home Water Systems!