10 Reasons why you should drink only pure water

  1. The Human Body is approximately 70% water.  It is important to add lots of clean water to our bodies every day.
  2. “Tap Water today is like a chemical soup…. There is only one type of water suitable for your body – distilled.”  “Distilled water is the purest form of water available” from Fit for Life II by Harvey & Marilyn Diamond, 1996.
  3. The medical/scientific establishment overwhelmingly — recommends distilled water as the only drinking water of choice.  The Center of Disease Control states “ Distilled water is the best measure to take, to be sure your eater is free of cryptosporidium and any other germs.  The sad part about boiling water sis that it is on ½ the process towards clean water.
  4. FRESH distilled water taste great!  Distilled water leaves no aftertaste caused by chemicals or additives.
  5. Distilled water is active – it is the universal solvent.   Clean water helps the kidneys function optimally by removing poisons from the body, increasing metabolism and cleansing all of the body.
  6. Distilled water is chemical and mineral free.  If distillation will not remove it, nothing will.  Water carries only inorganic minerals-=- now linked to many long-term heath problems.
  7. Organic minerals are the only minerals the human body can use.  These minerals are provided to the body by the foods we eat.  Inorganic minerals cause more harm than good to the human body.
  8. Chlorine (a poison) is the main purification method used in treating municipal water.  Recent studies link chlorine to colon and rectal cancer.  “Cancer risk among the people drinking chlorinated water is 93% higher than among those whose water does not contain chlorine.”
  9. An EPA official has pronounced bottled water as the biggest problem.  “In one recent EPA check of 25 bottling plants, serious problems with cleanliness were found at every plant.”  From 8 Weeks to Optimum Health, Andrew Weil MD “97”
  10. Always remember pure water only cools and cleans our bodies — there are no
    nutrients in water.

