Many water supplies contain hardness mineral (calcium and magnesium) These minerals form a scale and create problems in water heaters, washing machines, dishwashers, coffee makers, humidifiers and plumbing system.
The modern and efficient water softening system described on this page eliminates hard water problems.
It removes calcium and magnesium from your water supply by filtering it through a resin softening medium. Salt is used to revitalize the system periodically to provide soft water for your daily needs.
The control for this system is designed and engineered to give reliable operation and conserve the water and salt required in the regeneration process. Take a close look at all the advantages shown here and you’ll find that water softeners make a refreshing difference in your life and will save you money now and in the years ahead.
Soap saver
Hard water impairs the cleansing strength of detergents. Softened water not only delivers greater washing power, it reduces soap requirements (up to 70%). Protects your washing machine at the same time.
Clothes brightener
Clothes last longer; come out fresher, cleaner and softer when washed in conditioned water. Colors stay brighter, too.
Money stretcher
The cost of your cleaning supplies will drop dramatically with conditioned water because you’ll use less soap . . . fewer harsh chemicals and detergents . . . to get the job done.
Dish sparkler
Tired of streaks and spots on glassware and dishes? Softened water eliminates the problem, and helps your dishwasher last longer, too!
Hand soother
Red, roughened hands are usually the by-product of hard water. Softened water caresses, doesn’t irritate.
Face saver
Say good-bye to razor burn as your razor glides smoothly over your soft water conditioned face. Both your skin and blades will last longer.
Hair pamperer
Shampoo having used soft water revives hair color and makes it more radiant and manageable.
Body refresher
Bring conditioned water to your bath or shower and you’ll feel a refreshing difference. You’ll wash “really clean” faster and without soap build up on your skin. You’ll come away more relaxed and refreshed than ever before.
Utility Room
Hot water guard
Conditioned water adds longer life to your water heater by minimizing the scale build up created by hard water minerals. Saves you money, too. Less energy is required (17% to 21%) to heat water in tanks without a scale build up.
Pipe protector
Over a period of time scale forms to clog your plumbing. As the pipes clog, water flow is restricted and water pressure can be reduced dramatically. A water conditioning system minimizes this headache.
Faucet preserver
Hard water scale corrodes and plugs valves in water-using appliances. Shortens service life and costs you money.
General Cleaning
Stain Eliminator
All bathroom fixtures benefit from softened water. There will be no more unsightly rings, stains or mineral build up to darken your porcelain or your day.
Scrubbing Helper
Washing floors, tile, woodwork goes much easier and faster with conditioned water because it eliminates the film and soap scum that hard water causes.