The benefits of conditioned water are many and range from shinier hair, through increasing the efficiency and life span of your water appliances.
Water hardness is measured by the amounts of minerals present in the water such as calcium, magnesium and in some cases, iron. Removing these minerals through the process of conditioning turns the water soft and is directly related to the benefits.
Even for those whose water is slightly hard, significant benefits can result from using conditioned water:
- The life of the plumbing system may increase because clogging from scale within pipes will be reduced.
- Many appliances may last longer and perform better.
- Soapy residue on clothes is reduced so they may look and wear better.
- Skin and hair can be rinsed more completely, making hair look shinier and skin cleaner.
- Film on tubs and shower tiles may be reduced, as will scratching to bathroom fixtures and sinks
For more information, read our article on how soft water can save you money.