Water: it’s an essential ingredient for all life forms. Be it plants, ecosystems, or even humans, water is a necessity for everything and everyone on earth.
After all, your body is roughly 60% water and you lose a tremendous amount of hydration throughout the day.
That’s why it’s important you fill your body with clean, pure water. By drinking cleaner, better water, you’ll reap all sorts of benefits you may not know about.
In fact, water purification is perhaps the simplest way you can improve the lives of yourself and those in your household.
Here are just a few of the biggest reasons water purification should be an important part of your life.
7 Health Benefits of Water Purification
1. You’ll Have More Energy Throughout the Day
Water instead of coffee
After lunch, many people tend to feel sluggish and tired. But instead of reaching for another cup of coffee, grab a glass of water.
Coffee will provide a quick boost, but you’re ultimately depriving your system. And it may not dehydrate you as was once believed, it can still leave you feeling distracted and jittery.
Water, on the other hand, is the purest energy source around.
And don’t think you have to partake in strenuous exercise for your body to lose water. Even tasks as simple as your heart pumping blood throughout your body requires water.
All it takes is the loss of even a small amount of water before your brain isn’t functioning optimally. So next time you’re about to fall asleep before that big meeting, get hydrated for a healthy energy boost.
2. Better Exercise for a Better Life
Exercise should be an important part of anyone’s life. And you can’t expect to get far in your workout routine without the help of hydration.
Many still live and die by the famed 8×8 rule which suggests you should drink 8 glasses of 8 ozs water per day. But the truth is you’ll need far more if you live an active lifestyle.
Ultimately, the amount of water your body needs to remain happy and healthy relies on a few key factors:
- The type(s) of exercise you participate in
- Your weight
- Your height
- Your age
Be sure to do your research before heading out on that run. Especially during the summer months, it’s all too easy to get dehydrated.
3. Water Can Give Your Skin a Healthier Glow
Who knew that water could help your exterior as much as your interior? Studies show that drinking enough water can give your skin a beautiful, boosted look.
As UW Health points out, your skin is technically an organ. And just like your kidneys and muscles, water purification can help performance.
Water purification can help with everything from your complexion to your skin’s elasticity.
4. Water Purification Can Help With Weight Loss
After all of the crazy diet fads and Crossfit crazes, there’s still one simple, healthy way to lose weight — water!
Drinking water a half hour or so before every meal is a great way to feel fuller, faster. Even just one glass should be enough to keep the temptation of reaching for seconds or thirds away.
And the same can be said about snacking. Don’t waste empty calories, choose a healthier and hydrating alternative and give your body what it needs.
On average, it’s estimated that those who drink water before a meal consume about 75 fewer calories per meal. While that may not sound like a lot, it adds up over the span of a few days.
5. The Water Purification Process Removes Harmful Chemicals
This is probably the most immediate benefit of water purification. Your standard municipal tap water contains tons of additives and unnecessary chemicals.
Without purifying your water, here are just a few of the nasty things you can expect to find in your drinking glass:
- Fluoride
- Arsenic
- Lead
There was a tremendous uproar last year over the Flint, Michigan water crisis. Citizens of the small town had unsafe levels of lead present in their drinking water due to old pipes.
And the situation in Canada isn’t much better. According to an article put out by Global News, tens of thousands of Canadian households still have toxic pipes in their homes.
Don’t leave your health in anyone else’s hands. Water purification is a fantastic way to keep you and your family safe.
6. Clean Water Helps Digestion
If you’re having digestive issues, the answer to your problem could be found in a glass of water.
It may sound a little strange, but it makes sense when you think about it. The presence of water can help break down large bits of food so your body can absorb the nutrients.
And if you’re constipated, water can help soften stool so bowel movements are easier to pass.
It’s all cyclical, really. Water helps your body break down the food which the fuels your body throughout the day. Who knew water was so multifaceted.
7. Water Purification Can Save Your Household Money
Investing in a water purification system can actually save your household a good bit of money.
The average Canadian family spends thousands of dollars per year on sugary beverages. Not only are these drinks unnecessarily expensive, but they dehydrate you, too.
And it isn’t just sodas you should concern yourself with. Even popular energy drinks have a similar effect to a glass of soda.
Your appliances can also enjoy a fuller life with a better water system, too. These appliances die quickly because of certain minerals that can destroy your plumbing.
Spending a little bit of money now can benefit you in the long run.
You and Your Family Deserve Better
You and your family deserve the cleanest, safest water available. That’s why Home Water Systems wants to help. Whether you want healthier drinking water or just safer plumbing, we can help.
We offer everything from reverse osmosis systems to water softeners and distillers.
And it doesn’t need to cost a fortune, either. Be sure to get in touch today for a free 30-day trial. You’ll notice the difference immediately.
I’m glad that you talked about how purifiers remove harmful chemicals. I live near a chemical plant and I want to make sure that my family isn’t ingesting anything harmful. Getting a professional water purification system would help make sure the water is healthy.