You may have heard of the term ‘reverse osmosis,’ but do you truly know what it means? Check out 5 beneficial facts about reverse osmosis.
You have probably seen it in the news.
Households all over the country with toxic drinking water due to old pipes.
It’s scary stuff.
Our most valuable resource and the thing you need most to survive can become contaminated in the blink of an eye without the right attention to detail and can cause huge problems.
So what can you do to make sure that the water in your tap water is safe?
Maybe you have heard of reverse osmosis water filtration?
Reverse osmosis is a process where broken down or dissolved unnatural materials are extracted from water using a semipermeable membrane. It ensures drinking water is pure.
Think of it like using a colander to drain out the water from a pot of pasta.
Come along as we take you through 5 useful facts about reverse osmosis water filtration and why installing a reverse osmosis system might be right for you.
Reverse osmosis (RO) is a water purification technology that uses a semipermeable membrane to remove ions, molecules, and larger particles from drinking water.
Removes Lead from Your Water
Reverse osmosis will remove lead from your water.
This is probably a big deal to you especially if you have children in your household as the exposure of lead to young children can be a serious problem.
Government studies have shown that large amounts of lead found in water will lead to “reduced cognition, increased blood pressure and renal dysfunction in adults, as well as adverse neurodevelopmental and behavioral effects in children. The strongest association observed to date is between increased BLLs in children and reductions in intelligence quotient (IQ) scores.”
So if you are living in an area where this may be a looming issue, it may be in your best interest to look into setting up a reverse osmosis system.
Removes Sodium From Your Water
That’s right, reverse osmosis will reduce the amount of sodium in your drinking water. We’ll bet that you didn’t even know there was sodium in your drinking water!
By removing sodium and high amounts of salt it will help fight against the threat of heart disease and hypertension.
So for the sake of your heart, cut the sodium out of your water!
Reverse Osmosis Removes Parasites from Your Water
Reverse osmosis will help filter out any damaging parasites from your water including the scary Cryptosporidium that can make you sick.
Cryptosporidium is an insanely resilient parasite that can live for a long time even in water that has been treated with chlorine. Once it makes its way into your system it can cause diarrhea as well as abdominal pain, fever, and vomiting.
Since reverse osmosis systems extract materials rather than adding in chemicals, you can rest assured that all of these parasites will be flushed out before taking a big gulp of water from your tap.
Have the Cleanest Water Available in Case You are Going Through Cancer Treatment
The last thing you want to be worrying about is the safety of your drinking water while you are going through cancer treatment.
During radiation or chemotherapy, your body’s immune system is worn down to a degree where any outside parasite could infiltrate and wreak havoc on your body when you are vulnerable.
By cutting down on this possibility, you can focus on getting well
You Will Save Money
This is just a simple fact, but your wallet will be much heavier not having to buy bottled water every day.
With a reverse osmosis system, you will get the best quality water every day without having to run to constantly the store, or having to arrange for bottled water delivery from suppliers such as Culligan.
Wouldn’t that be nice?
Take Advantage of our 30 Day Free Trial
With a reverse osmosis system, you will not have to worry about having clean water ever again. We offer a 30 day free trial of our water purification systems so that you and your family can experience the difference purified water makes.
If you have any more questions about reverse osmosis or which system would be best for your home, feel free to give us a call or send us a message through our contact page.
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